
He speaks and I write!

The Blue and White

Sitting here with my cat, well…one of them, and so grateful for the light shining into my apartment. Today started out gray and gloomy. I almost lost motivation to walk in the park this morning but so glad I did. It’s amazing how quickly we can lose our ground when we miss a day of…

Usually, before the Joy, comes the tests.

If you can relate, please raise your hand. ✋ And the tests have been coming, one after another. I sure hope I’m getting a few good marks. Sometimes I wish I could walk up to the “Teachers desk” and ask Him how I did and what do I need to change, like we did as…

April, May and the Train adventure.

Happy Spring🌷 This past weekend was an adventure for my friend Maria and I. (Thanks Maria for taking the trip with me!!!)🌷 We traveled to North Carolina, by train, for my Daughter In-law’s baby shower. At some point we began talking to our neighbors, (in the seats nearby) Jackie and her Aunt May. As well…

Perfect and Complete

Okay, I think we’ve all been there; Waiting on a line, and sure enough, the changing of the cashier begins. You look over to the other lines and see they are even longer, so you wait. If you’re in a hurry, it can be tough. I find out quickly if I’m going to be patient…


Happy snow-day to all you teachers and kids out there! What a great feeling it is to have to “stay home” Although, some are not thrilled about it. Some will not enjoy the gift of stillness today, but will find things to fill up the time and be ever so busy through the day doing things…and will…

Wisdom from Heaven

”But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.“‭‭James‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Here are some definitions of this “wisdom”, according to the Webster’s Dictionary. Pure ~ SPOTLESS, STAINLESS:…

Snowbabies…and way too many Jelly- rolls!

Merry Christmas🎄. Meet my newest snowbabies, given by my children. Since I’ve basically become a “cat lady”, my daughter in law picked out this adorable one. It’s perfect because that’s exactly what “Kitty” does when I’m reading. So cute! The other one is perfect as well…”coffee break”☕️ I must say…This has been a very special year for…

Golden Autumn Saturday

Today is absolutely beautiful. Not just the warm breeze and golden, red and yellow trees, but because we received joyful news this week! I’ll tell ya in a minute. So, this park is one of my favorite places to be. I have memories all the way back to my childhood! From times of being a…

Tailgate Test

Have you ever been tailgated? Whether it’s in a car or walking it’s so annoying, right? Well, the other day I was the annoying one. I was trying to exit the Starbucks parking lot. I don’t know what they were thinking when they put this particular intersection together, but it’s crazy confusing in every direction.…

The Substance of Things Hoped For

We all have things we are hoping for. We are all in the process of waiting for something or someone. It could be a job promotion you’ve put in for, an application approval to a school you’ve wanted to go to. Maybe you’re hoping and waiting for a spouse or a good friend to enter…


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